Learn How to Make Origami!
The origami instructions at Origami Guide are presented in an easy to follow photo tutorial format.
You will find lots of wonderful origami models to fold at origami.guide, many of which are unique and can’t be found anywhere else!
Origami is extremely enjoyable and gives a great sense of accomplishment after folding a model.
We’d like everyone to learn origami and enjoy the many wonderful benefits it can bring to your life.
Origami is simply the art of folding paper.
“Oru” in Japanese means ‘to fold’ and “Kami” in Japanese means ‘Paper’, so it translates as ‘To fold paper‘. Learn more about the origins of origami here.
All of the origami instructions on this website are easy to understand. There is a selection of easy, intermediate and advanced origami to choose from!
Please use the category menu to the left or chose from the main origami categories below.
After you have clicked on the origami model you’d like to fold, you will be shown the origami instructions to fold that model.
Origami Guide is constantly being updated, please bookmark this website for later.
Enjoy folding!
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