The Best Origami Tools & Supplies List

You don’t need anything fancy to fold some great origami, just paper!

But, like with most things, having the correct tools can make it that much easier and the results that much higher in quality.

Here are the items that are useful to own if you are serious about learning origami, teaching origami or making origami to sell.

Origami Basics: Paper

81NG5Zu7XqL. SL1500Aitoh 500 Origami Paper Pack

This pack of 500 sheets of origami paper is our favourite origami paper to play with. It’s crisp and thin, the colours are vivid and do not bleed through to the white side of the paper. The price is very reasonable for 500 sheets. Size: 15 x 15 cm

Click here to buy now on Amazon!

Sometimes this isn’t available, if so, there is a pack of 100 sheets, here.

91zal15kDL. SL1500Aitoh 100 Large Origami Paper

This larger origami paper by Aitoh is great for folding more complex origami! It is 100 sheets and the same kind of paper quality as the one above. Size: 25 x 25 cm

Click here to buy now on Amazon!

This origami paper is not always in stock, if not here is an alternative, size: 20 x 20 cm.

71HpsV17vfL. SL1000TANT Thick Origami Paper

This origami paper by TANT is great for folding origami boxes and other models that require a heavier paper weight. It is 48 sheets. Size: 15 x 15 cm

Click here to buy now on Amazon!

For more origami paper info and recommendations, check out are dedicated origami paper page, here.

Origami Tools:

origami folding tools guideOrigami Folding Tools

We have collected a few over the years! The top one is a regular plastic ‘bone folder’, available here. The green leaf is from Japan, available here or here. The curved white one is a seam creaser, available here.

The pink one is not available online. Our favourite one is the leaf shaped folding tool!

cricut paper trimmerPaper Trimmer

We’ve found this paper trimmer from Cricut to be one of the best value paper trimmers. It makes resizing paper for different origami models much easier.

Click here buy on Amazon!

double sided craft tape origamiDouble Sided Sticky Tape

Contrary to popular belief, origami doesn’t exclude the use of glue. Using a tiny dab here and there can make your origami model sturdier, especially origami boxes.

Click here buy on Amazon

71O1nuozxRL. SL1500Good Scissors

You’ll need scissors sometimes to resize paper to squares or different sizes. It’s easier to cut paper with a good pair of scissors, and easy to ruin paper with blunt ones.

Click here buy on Amazon

61LDkAzoPPL. SL1500Ruler

Using a ruler is sometimes required if you want to re-size your origami paper, draw lines or even use it to score lines.

We prefer using a stainless steel, cork backed ruler in order to protect the paper underneath and prevent slipping.

Click here buy on Amazon

619cTmW6CXL. SL1500Origami Paper Case

We have several of these, they fit the Aitoh 15 x 15 cm paper (listed at the top). They are perfect to protect origami paper from being crumpled.

Click here buy on Amazon

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate Amazon links, which means that if you visit Amazon and buy a product, we receive a small percentage of the sale, which we put towards the hosting & resources required to run this website, (mostly origami paper!) 🙂

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The Best Origami Tools & Supplies List