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Step 28: Tweak the petal section back even further and fold the petals evenly around until it looks like this.
Step 29: Now you can start shaping the petals. Use your finger and thumb to shape them. You will be almost pushing the petal from the back of the model.
Step 30: Here is a view of the back of the flower whilst it's being shaped.
Step 31: Once you are happy with the petals, you can carefully pinch the centre of the flower to finalise the folds, using some tweezers is recommended.
Step 32: This is the back of the finished flower.
Step 33: You can fold a slightly simpler version of this flower, called the Origami Blossom Flower, which has the same method minus a few steps.
Your 8 Petal Origami Flower is Complete!
You’ve completed the 8 Petal Origami Flower, why not check out our other Origami Flowers, here.
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